The Despair of 2020, Twitter style.
Do you ever find yourself scrolling through your social apps and just thinking, ‘fuck this’?
I mean, can this really be it now? Is this what social media has become? And sadly, it aint gonna change, or go away, like the fad of Re-enacting the Tango advert, or that fucking Crazy Frog era.
Social media gets more crowded and full of shit every day. People looking for offence to take. People knowingly trolling others, people getting up in arms at pretty much every bastard thing that hits the Internet, and my god, the spoilers on every single TV show, or movie you are yet to see! I shake my angry fist at you Twitter!
I am SO over talking about Brexit, and seeing pictures of Labour & Conservative MP’s as they dodge another answer, & give even more ridiculous Covid rules, while they give out PPE contracts to their mates and Spouses to piss away, while we all suffer for it. the country right now is on its knees, while the rich in Government can do whatever the hell they like with zero accountability.
The People we have in charge eh? the Orwellian bastards we heard tell out who would give Prince John a run for his money. But no matter how poisonous they are, & exceed to be every waking day, Our Media are willing to continue to distract the public & paint them as heroes.